


Vertical extension on rue Caroline, Geneva
Location Genève, GE
Date 2019-


Gross floor area 700 m2

Carine Jaccoud
Edoardo Scaravaggi

In this project, one floor is being added onto the existing building, creating a large gabled roof over the entire dwelling. This bold gesture is intended to top off the building by dialoging with the architecture of the surrounding buildings and their sloping roofs.

By seeking integration, the project privileges continuity over rupture. The main reason for this choice is the architectural quality of the existing building. The goal is to "finish" the building by creating a large protective, unifying roof that echoes famous projects in architectural history, such as Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House, designed in Chicago from 1906 to 1909. The design of the large roof seeks to create a strong horizontality that frames the surrounding landscape.

The apartment typologies are simple, but their unusually high ceilings add an impressive expansive feel to the space. With their vast spaces bathed in natural light, it might be more appropriate to speak of "penthouse apartments" rather than simply "add-on apartments.”